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Hoek Exclusive

We understand that sometimes you may encounter difficulties or have questions while using our platform, we're here to assist you every step of the way.

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What is Hoek Exclusive?

Hoek Exclusive is the reward program of Hoek flowers and specially designed for our customers. Once registered as a member, your Exclusive account is connected to your Hoek flowers account. Although you already have an account at Hoek flowers, you still need to ‘sign up’ for Hoek Exclusive.

Hoek Exclusive

How do I earn points?

You earn points with every paid Hoek flowers invoice. Buy flowers and automatically earn points... It's actually that simple!

How do I sign up for Hoek Exclusive?

All Hoek flowers customers can join Hoek Exclusive. To participate in the Hoek Exclusive savings program you need to register on

Hoek Exclusive

What can I do with points?

Did you collect enough points? Log in to spend your points in our Hoek Exclusive shop or save them for our famous trips!


Is it free to join?

Yes it is free to join!

Do my points expire?

Your points are not valid indefinitely.  Points are valid during the current year, and one year afterwards. For example: points awarded in 2024 are valid up to 31-12-2025.
